Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This overview of the privacy policy provides information on how and why Valent OÜ [edaspidi Firma] collects, processes and shares the data of visitors to the website (including those who send requests, those who sign customer contracts). The privacy policy is based on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which can be found in more detail on the official website

The purpose of the privacy policy is to ensure the privacy of customers in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Estonia and the legislation of the European Union.

Any information about an identified or identifiable natural person is reflected as personal data. For example, name, phone number, postal address, email address. “Personal data” also includes information collected by the Company – website visits, various social media channels and the use of services provided by us.

By using the Company’s website, you agree to the use of cookies and the terms of personal data processing described in our Privacy Policy. The privacy policy and cookies on the website are valid from 25.05.2018. All previously collected data need to be checked and coordinated with “personal data” and brought into line with the provisions of the GDPR law.

Whose data does the Company process?

For questions about GDPR issues, write to the contacts at the end of the page.

The company uses the data of those who have sent a request (e.g. a question via a contact form or e-mail) about our services or have previously used the services or are still using the services. We collect and use the data of regular customers and contacted persons (including “old” or “inactive customers”). We use data collected from public sources (this includes public information sent as a third-party recommendation).

Purposes and legal bases of personal data processing

We process the personal data of the company’s customers, i.e. service users, in order to fulfill our contractual obligations. We use the personal data of customers and also the information received from them in order to offer existing customers (and also potential ones) higher quality service and more accurate information. If the Company processes personal data for the mentioned purposes, the legal basis for processing the collected personal data is our legitimate interest in ensuring the correct and, if possible, higher quality provision of the offered service.

From the company’s marketing channels (including website, social media) we collect data on the activity and usability of the channels. In addition, whenever possible, we collect data about the interests and goals of potential customers in order to raise the level of our customer communication, by better understanding the real interests and goals of customers and to offer a higher quality service, more accurate information and to ensure (improve) the user-friendliness of the functionality of the Company’s website. If the Company processes personal data for the purposes mentioned, the legal basis for the processing is our legitimate interest in better understanding the needs of customers in order to ensure better service.

EXAMPLE. The company processes data: about product inquiries; about reading the opening of the newsletters sent by us and using the outgoing links (directions to some website) contained in the letter; feedback sent by customers to improve and improve the quality of the service provided.

The company processes personal data for the stated purposes: creating and managing a customer base; offering new services to the client and supplementing (improving) existing services; correctly answering customer (including potential) inquiries; Analyzing and improving the company’s services; Management and better functioning of the company’s marketing channels (including the website).

How the Company collects personal data

We collect personal data directly from data subjects with their consent, either by e-mail, by receiving feedback with a request form (including by agreeing to receive letters from us). In addition, we use automatic data collection tools (e.g. the website analysis program Google Analytics), including cookies (recording the use of the website) and other tracking tools, which help to better optimize the user experience of the Company’s website and thus ensure the high quality of the services offered and convenient navigation on the website for the customer.

We use cookies and pixel tags on the website, which are voluntary for every website visitor and can be refused.

A cookie is a small text file that the web server sends to the user’s web browser (Web Browser – e.g. Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera) and that is saved on the hard drive of the user’s computer (usually under Temporary files). Cookies make it possible to remember the user’s preferences (for example, the used font size, communication language, computer location, device information, the most visited web pages / addresses, etc. information) in order to offer the customer a faster and “smarter” operation of the web browser (the mentioned Web Browser). Web browsers are set to allow cookies by default, but it is possible to manually change the settings so that the web browser refuses cookies, blocks third-party cookies, and notifies the user of each cookie sent. If the last point is not activated, it is definitely recommended to do so in order to get an overview of the websites that store the user’s personal data.

A pixel tag is a small piece of website code that allows cookies to be set and read. Pixel tags are triggered when a user opens, for example, an email, arrives at a website. It is then registered that the user has opened the e-mail or third-party cookies are downloaded.

Cookies used by the company:

  • Session cookies (temporary cookies). Session cookies are temporary and disappear when you leave the website or close your browser. Session cookies may be used for certain functions of the website, for login and for the shopping cart. The purpose of use is to enable the use of our service.
  • Persistent cookies (if the visitor gives their consent, they are stored on the user’s computer after closing the web browser), the purpose of which is to remember the customer’s choices on the Company’s web pages. Persistent cookies may be used, for example, to recognize you as a repeat visitor of the website (e.g. to use the Google ReMarketing or follow-up marketing function) and to adapt the content of the website to your needs or to collect statistical data.

Cookies are used on our web pages to provide a better user experience to the visitor of the Company’s website. Cookies enable our web servers to recognize the Company’s website and automatically adjust the content of the website (advertisement displayed to the customer) to suit your needs when you continue to visit the website and come back to it in the future. The use of cookies makes it easier to recognize the needs of website users. Cookies allow us to collect user statistics that help us measure and improve the performance of our website.

The cookies used by the company may be created by various service providers who help us promote our online services. Such providers are, for example, Google and Facebook – more about them in the section “more precise use of cookies”.

Users of our websites are deemed to have accepted cookies if cookies are enabled in their browser settings. If you do not accept cookies, all services and functions of our website may not function correctly.

You can always decide for yourself whether or not to allow cookies in your website settings. If you do not want cookies, set your web browser so that it automatically disables cookies or notifies you every time a website asks for permission to add a cookie. Please refer to the help function of your web browser to make the necessary settings.

More detailed use of cookies by the Company:

  1. Analytical cookies. Collect information about how the website is used – which content pages are visited and how long they stay; which content pages are used the most; which is searched for on the homepage, etc. Analytical cookies do not collect information to be able to directly identify the website user. Analytical cookies are, for example, Google Analytics cookies. The company’s website uses Google Analytics data, which is mainly collected through the services provided by Google Analytics and is subject to the Google Analytics terms and conditions. To protect against inappropriate use of the website, we may use the Google Invisible reCAPTCHA tool, which collects hardware and software data, such as device and application data and the results of service integrity checks, as well as unique web identifiers such as IP address, and sends this data to Google for analysis. By using this service (“cookies” activated), you agree to the transfer of personal data to Google Analytics to check the integrity of the service and only to implement measures necessary for the safe use of the website.
  2. Advertising cookies. They help to offer (display in some advertising networks) advertisements targeted to the user’s interests. For example, the Facebook Pixel code has been added to the Company’s website, which helps the visitor to display targeted ads on Facebook. If you don’t want to see the advertisement of the Company’s website on Facebook anymore, you can disable it under Facebook preferences. You open and delete “advertisers you have communicated with” all websites whose ads you do not want to see in the future.

The user has the right to refuse to save cookies on the computer. The user must change their browser settings. Setup guides for the most common web browsers:

Chrome: ;
Firefox: ;
Chrome Explorer: ;

When cookies are blocked, it must be taken into account that all website functions may no longer be available. Cookies can also be reactivated manually in the web browser later.

Personal data processed by the company

Contact information: name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number.

Data generated during the filling out of the inquiry, feedback, customer contract form and when sending an e-mail: company name, personal identification number/registration code, VAT number, legal address, customer preferences regarding the Company’s services, data specified in the feedback form, data transmitted in the inquiry form, sent by e-mail data for company contacts.

The company is the responsible processor of personal data and forwards the personal data necessary for making payments to the authorized processor Maksekeskus AS.

Automatically collected data: data obtained from the user’s web browser (e.g. type of web browser), device type (the device used to visit the website), language of communication, website address (incoming link to the Company’s website, which content pages the user browsed, how long he stayed on certain pages, the user’s IP address and other such website statistics data.

Data collected by sending e-mails (newsletters) sent by the company: data on which e-mails, how many, and when and how the user opened them.

Other personal data: data that you have made publicly available or available to us on third-party social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram, etc.

The Company does not process special types of personal data.

Sharing of personal data by the Company

The company does not share personal data with third parties (except under the conditions specified in the next point). All data is used only for customer communication and product and service development purposes. We may share personal data in the following cases: debt collection; State supervision agencies and the Police; Public feedback with the client’s consent.

Storage and security of your personal information

The company can send customers information about services, offers and news if the customer has given us his contact details or agreed to receive information from us. The customer receives the information as long as the customer requests the termination of the latest activities or leaves the group of newsletter recipients.

The company stores personal data for as long as it is necessary to achieve the purpose of its collection. The data retention period also depends on the need to respond to data subjects’ requests, solve various problems, and the need to fulfill statutory document retention requirements.

If the legislation does not require the storage of personal data and the Company does not need them, we will delete this personal data. In this case, we can use the given personal data only for statistical purposes and only in pseudonymized (anonymized) form.

In terms of personal data security, we try to do everything possible to prevent unauthorized access to data. For the protection of personal data collected and processed by the company, reasonable protective measures with technical and physical restrictions have been established. We ensure access to data based only on valid legislation, and at the same time we protect the confidentiality of personal data as much as possible.

If you have any questions about the storage or security of your personal data, please write to the contacts at the end of the page.

Customer rights

The Client has the right to access the Client’s own personal data processed and stored by the Company and the right to demand correction of inaccuracies.

To opt out of the marketing message received by the company, please follow the opt-out instructions in the footer of the marketing message or write a corresponding request on the request form on the website or send an e-mail to the contact details at the end of the page.

The company must comply with several customer rights: with the right of correction, the customer has the right to demand that incorrect personal data related to him be corrected without delay; The customer has the right to request the deletion of his data if certain additional conditions are met. The customer has the right to request the processing of his personal data.

If the processing of personal data is based on the customer’s consent, the customer has the right to withdraw this consent at any time.

If you have any questions about your rights or if you want to implement any of the points below, please send a corresponding letter to the contacts at the end of the page. If the solution offered by the Company does not satisfy you, you have the right to contact the Data Protection Inspectorate of the Republic of Estonia.

Other Provisions

The Company may unilaterally change these Terms from time to time and without notice to ensure our compliance with laws and/or generally accepted practices regarding cookies. The laws of the Republic of Estonia apply to this privacy policy.

Copying and using the privacy policy of the company is strictly prohibited without the relevant consent. If you have any questions, please contact us by sending a letter: